NPSG11-00A | | Full Set of Audio on FREE USB Drive Complete set of audio mp3s on FREE USB drive. Mail Order Only. Allow 10 days for delivery. Shipping and handling fees apply. | | | | | | | | | | $450.00
NPSG11-01am | | Pre Conference Workshops Part I (morning sessions) Opening Keynote with Harold Mitchell. Pre-Conference Workshops - Perspectives in Equitable Development; Equitable Development Policy and Trends; Equity in Small Towns and Rural Communities
| | | | | | $25.00
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NPSG11-01pm | | Pre Conference Workshops Part II (afternoon sessions) Pre-Conference Workshops - Training: Financing Equitable Development; Working With Local, State and Federal Government; Closing Keynote with Don Chen, Metropolitan Opportunity Program Officer of the Ford Foundation | | | | | | $25.00
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NPSG11-101 | | From Transportation to Climate Protection Coordination at the Countywide Level | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-102 | | Sustainability Standards – Current Trends, Benefits and Limitations in Evaluating Community Sustainability | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-103 | | Equitable Development: Capacity Building, Area-Wide Planning and Revitalization Strategies | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-104 | | Wise Financing for Smarter Growth in Today’s Cash-Strapped World | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-105 | | Putting Health at the Center of Community Planning Through Non-Traditional Partnerships | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-106 | | Smart Growth 101 | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-107 | | Successfully Engaging Diverse Audiences in Regional Planning: Tools, Techniques, and Strategies | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-108 | | Swimming Upstream: How Sustainability is Faring at the State Policy Level | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-109 | | Achieving Equity through Regional Vacant Property Policies | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-110 | | Building Better Streets and Connected Cities | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-111 | | South End: The New Emerging Market for TOD and Urban Infill | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-121 | | Adapting to Climate Change: Local and Regional Approaches | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-122 | | Latinos and Smart Growth: Lost in Translation | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-123 | | Broad(er) Partnerships Help Spur a Green Economy Along Boston's Fairmount Indigo Transit Corridor | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-124 | | Building Health in Suburban Counties: Two Case Studies in Shaping Local Plans | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-125 | | Getting Results in Affordable Housing: Local Government, Land Trusts, and the Private Sector | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-127 | | Working in Partnership towards Equity: Creating Safe and Healthy Communities | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-128 | | A Role for Everyone: Encouraging Green Infrastructure Applications | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-129 | | The Atlanta BeltLine – a Model of Urban Transformation | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-130 | | Putting Schools on the Map: Linking Complete Communities, Transit-Oriented Development, Families, and Schools | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-131 | | The How-to Guide: Local Government CAN Work Developers – Wyomissing Square Example | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-132 | | Smart Growth and Traffic Safety | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-141 | | Geodesign for Smart Growth: A Geographic Approach to Sustainable Development | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-142 | | Addressing Gentrification: Strategies for Fair and Equitable Neighborhood Development | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-143 | | Banking on Equitable Development | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-144 | | Fresh Food for All: Integrating Food Systems into Planning and Economic Development | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-145 | | Reshaping Development Patterns | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-146 | | Livable Communities in Smaller Cities, Towns and Rural America | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-147 | | Transforming a Region – Transit, Sustainability and Affordability | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-151 | | Implementing Sustainability and Energy Efficiency at the State and Local Level 3 hour session | | | | | | $20.00
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NPSG11-152 | | Pounding the Pavement: “Walkshops” for Multi-media Planning 3-hour session | | | | | | $20.00
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NPSG11-153 | | Health Impact Assessment (HIA) – From Building the Foundation to Implementation, Case Studies from around the Nation 3-hour session | | | | | | $20.00
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NPSG11-154 | | Integrating More Sustainable Design into Form-Based Codes 3-hour session | | | | | | $20.00
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NPSG11-161 | | "Race"-ing to Equity: A Toolkit and Tale of Two Cities 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-162 | | Smart Growth: The Investment Opportunity for Financiers 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-163 | | Sustainable Return on Investment: Measuring the Triple Bottom Line 2-hour session (discount due to buzz in the recording) | | | | | | $5.00
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NPSG11-164 | | How Disasters Can Create Smart Growth Opportunities 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-165 | | Revenuesheds: An Essential Tool to Understanding How to Finance Watershed Protection 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-166 | | NEEDED: Schools That Deliver 1st Rate Education and Encourage Healthier Citizens and Communities 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-167 | | Tools for Performance-Based Planning for Equitable, Sustainable Communities 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-170 | | Keynote: Gwendolyn Keyes Fleming | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-180 | | Plenary — Financing Smart Growth: From Public to Private Investments in Sustainable Communities | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-200 | | Smart Growth and Rural America: Fostering Economic Development and Sustainable Communities Speakers: Deeohn Ferris, President, Sustainable Communities Development Group
John Robert Smith, President and CEO, Reconnecting America
Randall Kincaid, Former Mayor of Davidson, NC
| | | | | | $6.00
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NPSG11-201 | | Resilient Regions: Climate Adaptation Planning at the Regional Scale" | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-202 | | Integrating Indicators of Smart Growth and Healthy Communities into Real Estate Listings | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-203 | | Sustainable Communities & Freight – Applying a Smart Growth Framework to Ports, Goods Movement & Environmental Justice | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-204 | | 2010 Smart Growth Funding Update: Equity into Smart Growth Funding | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-205 | | HOME Connecticut: Affordable, Energy-Efficient, Transit-Rich Housing that can Deter Sprawl Anywhere | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-206 | | Community Voices & Visions for the Future: Stories from Values to Action | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-207 | | A District Energy Policy Framework for Existing Neighborhoods | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-208 | | Southern Rural & Urban Sustainability Projects: Progress with Partnership for Sustainable Communities | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-209 | | Sustainable Regional Planning, with a Carolina Twist | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-210 | | Making a Lot with a Little: Long-Term Sustainability Strategies for Rural Communities | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-211 | | Parking Management: How to Reform an Underperforming Municipal Asset | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-212 | | Planning Your Community's Walking and Wheeling Network | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-221 | | Smart Growth and Coastal Communities: Adapting to Sea Level Rise | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-222 | | Linking Climate Justice and Sustainability to National Equitable Development Advocacy Concerns | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-223 | | Moving Spartanburg Forward: How Multimodal Transportation is Advancing Community Development | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-224 | | Taking "Not So Big" to the Next Level: Pocket Neighborhoods as Urban Infill | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-225 | | From Dustbowl Days in Old Oklahoma to a Sustainable, Smarter Future | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-226 | | Getting It Right: Training the Next Generation of Sustainability Leaders and Practitioners | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-227 | | Parks Rescue and Restore Economic, Environmental and Public Health | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-228 | | Creating Equitable Redevelopment: Using Fair Housing Law to Development Communities of Opportunity | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-229 | | Reading, Riding and Retrofit – Schools Leading the Way to Community Sustainability | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-230 | | Mayors Smart Growth Roundtable: Greening the Rural Economy | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-231 | | World-Class Bus Rapid Transit: New Foundations for Transit Oriented Development | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-232 | | North Carolina: Transforming the “Good Roads” State to the “Complete Streets State” | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-241 | | Environmental Justice and Community Engagement: Can Inclusive Engagement Lead to Just and Smart Growth? 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-242 | | Growing Smart: Successful Public Private Partnerships 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-243 | | Building the Workforce for Sustainable Development Tackling the Job of Jobs 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-244 | | Healthy Places, Community-Driven Approaches 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-245 | | Creating a Big Tent: Building Regional Collaboration along Corridors 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-246 | | Striking a Balance: Implementing Rural Codes in America's Southeast 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-247 | | Ingredients for Smart Growth Success: How to Build a Strategic and Successful Coalition 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-248 | | From Partnership to Reality: Federal and Local Collaboration for Equitable Development 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-249 | | Sustaining Safe Routes to School Initiatives: Emerging Policy and Practice Strategies that Make It Happen | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-250 | | Stronger Economies Together: Enabling Communities to Collaborate Successfully on a Regional Basis 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-251 | | New Money for Transit in 3 Simple Steps 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-252 | | enGULFed! Rethinking Smart Growth for Louisiana’s coastal communities 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-300 | | Morning Plenary: Moving Our Country to a Green(er) Economy | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-301 | | Engaging Underrepresented Communities: Interactive Approaches to Equitable Transit Planning 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-302 | | Overcoming Exclusion: Advancing Equity in Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-303 | | Innovative Strategies for Infrastructure Financing 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-304 | | TOD, Corridor Revitalization, and Air Pollution: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You (and Others) 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-305 | | Think Regionally, Act Locally 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-306 | | Slow Development Speakers: Andres Duany, award-winning architect and urban planner, has been defining the cutting edge of planning since the 1980s. His early projects broke new ground by providing the first on the ground example of what we now call "Smart Growth."
This 2-hour session offers a unique opportunity for participants to hear Duany’s newest cutting edge thinking, he calls it Slow-Development. Up to 2008, he observes, land was expensive but money was cheap and plentiful. Today land is cheap and money is unavailable. Hear how we can take advantage of this inversion to make it good for developers and for the environment.
2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-307 | | Local Farms, Local Farmers, Local Food, Local Lessons: A Low-Country Story 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-308 | | Building Regional Alliances from the Ground Up 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-309 | | Rethinking Density: Is Smart Growth Good Enough? 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-310 | | What we learned from TIGER: Lessons for transportation reform 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-311 | | Leveling the Playing Field for Compact Development and Improving Water Quality 2-hour session | | | | | | $15.00
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NPSG11-321 | | Re-Powering Communities with Equity through Clean Energy | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-322 | | Strategies for Bringing Green Jobs to Older Urban Centers | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-323 | | Planning for America's Future: Aging, Rural and All Abilities | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-324 | | Sustainable Historic Preservation: Getting Past Windows and Doors to Achieve Community-wide Reuse and Reinvestment | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-325 | | Catalyzing Community-Scale Movements: The Healthy, Active, and Vibrant Communities Model | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-326 | | Brownfields to Greenways – New Destinations from Brownfields | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-327 | | Successful Multi-Jurisdictional Planning Partnerships | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-328 | | Supporting Regional Farmers As A Rural Economic Development Strategy | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-329 | | Sustainable and Equitable Transportation for Communities: Reprioritizing Federal Policies | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-330 | | Economy, Jobs and Spending, Oh My!: Messaging Smart Growth in 2011 | | | | | | $10.00
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NPSG11-340 | | Transforming Our Cities in a Globally Competitive World | | | | | | $10.00
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