| | | CAF14-206 | | Climate Communications: From Research to Practice Speakers: Celinda Lake, President, Lake Research Partners; Francesca Koe, Director of Campaigns, NRDC; Caroline Hodge, Research Manager, ecoAmerica; MODERATOR: Meighen Speiser, Chief Engagement Officer, MomentUs, ecoAmerica Climate change is not a narrow issue, yet it concerns a narrow population. We must reach beyond the “base” – to conservatives, rural, communities of color – all Americans. Opinion surveys show concern for health, economy, public safety, infrastructure, and energy security – yet low concern for climate change. The implications of climate in individual and community well-being requires that communicators mainstream the issue as a driving factor in health, safety, security, prosperity, and community for all. There is opportunity to advance Americans’ engagement on climate by drawing these issues together and aligning with the center of American values. This session features experts in social science research, marketing research, and public opinion polling, and advocates who have used these tools to develop and deploy programs and communications to move Americans into action on climate. | | MP3 | | $10.00 | | $10.00 | |