ABA 2018

Environment & Sustainability

Social Justice


Health & Wellness

Sustainable Business

Women Take On The World

Gems from the Archive

Entrepreneurial Success

Audio Books








Continuing the Momentum of the Task Force: Federal Support of Adaptation

Speakers: Juliette Hayes, Acting Branch Chief, Hazard Mitigation Assistance Branch, FEMA Region IX; Katherine Buckingham, Resilience Program Analyst, US HUD, Office of Economic Resilience; Gina Campoli, Environmental Policy Manager, Vermont Agency of Transportation; Stephanie Bertaina, Senior Policy Analyst, US Environmental Protection Agency; Hon. Alice Hill, Senior Advisor for Preparedness and Resilience, White House’s National Security Staff; MODERATOR: Jessica Grannis, Adaptation Program Manager, Georgetown Climate Center

This session addresses the President’s Climate Preparedness Task Force and opportunities for removing federal barriers and using federal programs to better support state and local adaptation. We discuss the key federal programs that have been used to support adaptation in the past, and identify opportunities for improving federal support for state and local efforts. Participants engage in a dialogue with a task force member and White House and federal agency staff to discuss outcomes and next steps for the Climate Preparedness Task Force to answer the question: How do we build upon the task force’s momentum and move recommendations into action?






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