ABA 2018

Environment & Sustainability

Social Justice


Health & Wellness

Sustainable Business

Women Take On The World

Gems from the Archive

Entrepreneurial Success

Audio Books








Brainstorming Ways to Incorporate Health Equity Concerns into an Ever-Changing World

Speakers: Linda Rudolph, MD, MPH, Co-Director, Center for Climate Change and Health, Public Health Institute; Alyssa Newton Mann, Regional Research and Planning Program, University of Southern California, Sea Grant Program; Christopher Read, Sustainability Planner, Pacific Municipal Consultants; Catalina Garzon, Program Director, Community Strategies for Sustainability and Justice Program, Pacific Institute; MODERATOR: Sandi Gálvez, Executive Director, Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative

Climate change impacts health in many ways, and these impacts disproportionately affect vulnerable individuals and disadvantaged communities. This session explores the relationship between climate change and vulnerable populations, and outline three changes that can disproportionately impact vulnerable population. These changes are (1) the impacts on coastal issues and watershed management caused by stresses on water quality and water availability, and sea level rise; (2) the aging of the American population – between 2000 and 2050, persons 65 or older are expected to grow from 12% to 20% of the US population and the percentage of extremely old (85+) Americans is expected to triple; and (3) the increase in exposure to air pollution associated with transportation corridors as a result of the push towards urban infill as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.






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