ABA 2018

Environment & Sustainability

Social Justice


Health & Wellness

Sustainable Business

Women Take On The World

Gems from the Archive

Entrepreneurial Success

Audio Books








A Compass for Changing Times: Key Dimensions of Adaptation Success

Speakers: Jason Vogel, Managing Analyst, Stratus Consulting; Susanne Moser, Ph.D., Director and Principal Researcher of Susanne Moser Research & Consulting; Social Science Research Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University; Linda Gianelli Pratt, Chief Program Manager, Sustainable Community Program, City of San Diego; Ellie Cohen, President and CEO, Point Blue Conservation Science; MODERATOR: Amber Pairis, Ph.D., Senior Environmental Scientist, California Department of Fish and Wildlife

What would successful adaptation to climate change look like? This question has no simple answer. Despite high-level commitments to prepare for and manage the impacts of climate change, it remains difficult to move beyond adaptation planning and in fact decide on a particular course of action, to garner the necessary political and social support in budget-constrained times, and to implement concrete adaptation measures. At the same time, many sectors and communities already face difficult choices and trade-offs as climate change impacts unfold with growing speed and fury and as adopting either more stringent or novel strategies to strengthen and retain resilience produces winners and losers. This session provides a framework for thinking about adaptation success and then invites panelists from various climate-sensitive sectors, different parts of the state, levels of government and perspectives to discuss how they do or don’t address the question of success and how to measure it.






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