| | | CAF14-100 | | Morning Plenary - Making History: Beginning a New Era in Climate Change Speakers: Ken Alex, Director, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and Senior Advisor to Governor Jerry Brown; Mary Nichols, Chairman of the California Air Resources Board; Chief Ken Pimlott, Director, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection; Frances Spivy-Weber, Vice Chair, State Water Resources Control Board
Across the state, we are dealing with the impacts of climate change from sea level rise to extreme heat- climate change is happening. The current drought and unprecedented wildfire season highlight the types of challenges we can expect to face with increasing frequency. Californians are responding – support for government action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is at an all-time high. We’ve reached a decisive tipping point where growing public awareness and unavoidable urgency for response have converged. As a state, we are collectively looking these dangers and taking proactive steps to increase our resilience. Up and down the state, in communities large and small, from coastal waters to inland valleys to soaring mountains, Californians are taking steps at every level to implement our state’s shared vision and leading the way for other states and nations around the globe. We will need to continue our record of developing increasingly innovative solutions to protect our environment, support a sustainable economy, and improve our community’s quality of life. | | MP3 | | $10.00 | | $10.00 | |