
|  | American Psychoanalytic Association 2020 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of Freud’s “Beyond the
Pleasure Principle”, in which he grimly tried to contend with the catastrophic
trauma of his time, World War 1. And his conclusions were indeed grim—
repetition compulsion, death drive. Grim, yes, but unfortunately also prescient.
We are now living in the midst of our own catastrophic traumata, our own contact
with the workings of the repetition compulsion and the death drive: millions
fleeing with nowhere to go, the climate becoming what it has never been, nations
and neighborhoods bunkering themselves into racist, xenophobic enclaves.
On Saturday evening, at our Special Symposium we will explicitly address the
issue of thinking psychoanalytically within this howling surround. Our two
esteemed Plenarists, Robert Jay Lifton and Carol Gilligan, will be joined by
Irma Brenman Pick, Lindsay Clarkson, Dorothy Holmes, Francisco Gonzalez,
Luis Ripoll and Ann Pellegrini —representing five separate decades of analytic
thinking—will engage in a structured conversation, providing their own points
of view on how they are grappling generatively, in both clinical and extra-clinical
work. Visit our friend's website at: https://apsa.org/ |
APSA20-000 | | Full Set of Audio 22 Sessions as individual Mp3 audio files available as digital downloads or on USB stick (playable on any computer or other electronic listening device.) USB stick delivered via Priority Mail, 15% shipping & handling will be applied upon checkout. | | | | | | $299.00 
| | | | $325.00 
|  | APSA20-101 | | Service Members and Veterans Initiative Speakers: Harold Kudler, M.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-102 | | Recent Studies on Affect & Trauma- Discussing “Little Women” Speakers: Chair: Katie C. Lewis, Ph.D. Presenters: Ilana Larkin, M.A., Vera Békés, Ph.D. | | | | | | $25.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-200 | | The Peter Loewenberg Essay Prize in Psychoanalysis & Culture Speakers: Chair: Murray M. Schwartz, Ph.D
The Peter Loewenberg Essay Prize (formerly
the CORST Essay Prize) is awarded to a paper
demonstrating outstanding psychoanalytically
informed research and scholarship in the arts,
humanities, or social and behavioral sciences. The
Undergraduate Essay Prize and Courage to Dream
Book Prize will also be awarded during this session. | | | | | | $25.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-201 | | Revisiting Group Psychology & the Analysis of the Ego Speakers: Chair: Nellie L. Thompson, Ph.D. Presenters: Joseph Aguayo, Ph.D., Celia Brickman, Ph.D., Richard L. Munich, M.D. | | | | | | $25.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-202 | | DPE Research Education Dialogue: What Do We Mean By Corrective Emotional Experience – What is its Therapeutic Role? Speakers: Chair: Linda S. Goodman, Ph.D. Co-chair: Morris N. Eagle, Ph.D., ABPP, Presenters: Christopher Christian, Ph.D. , Glen Gabbard, M.D., Mark Hilsenroth, Ph.D | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-300 
| | Plenary Address: Dr. Robert Lifton: “Owning Reality – Reflections on Cultism & Zealotry” Speakers: Dr. Robert Jay Lifton This address connects Dr. Robert
Jay Lifton’s past work on the
psychology of zealotry with current
observations on mental predators
who claim to own reality. It draws
upon examples from Chinese
thought reform, the Aum Shinrikyō
cult, Nazi genocide, and the solipsistic reality of
Donald Trump. An alternative is the collective
expression of a more open and resilient “protean
self,” which can enable us to respond to these threats
to the human future. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-301 | | Research Symposium: Homeostasis, Feeling & Consciousness Speakers: Chair: Charles P. Fisher, M.D. Presenter: Antonio Damasio, M.D., Ph.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-302 | | Symposium I: Music, Sensory Communion and the Weaving of Collective Embodiment Speakers: Chair & Presenter: Peter L. Goldberg, Ph.D. Discussants: Adam Blum, Psy.D., Michael Levin, Psy.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-303 | | APsaA Public Advocacy on Capitol Hill: APsaA Leads in Mass Shootings Speakers: Mark Smaller, Ph.D. Peggy Tighe, J.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-304 | | Navigating the Paradox in the Language of Achievement & the Language of Substitution Speakers: Chair: Dolan Power, Ph.D. Author: Afsaneh Alisobhani, Psy.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-305 | | DPE Seminar: Thinking Critically About Psychoanalytic Education Speakers: Chair: Britt-Marie Schiller, Ph.D. Presenters: Gail Glenn, M.A.Ed., Ellen Rees, M.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-306 | | University Forum: Racism in America IV – Return of the Biological Race: Has the Old Become the New Again? Speakers: Chair: Beverly J. Stoute, M.D., Evelynn Hammonds, Ph.D., Dorothy Roberts, J.D.
Discussant: Dionne Powell, M.D. In the fourth part of University Forum: Racism in
America we expand our vital discussion of race to
contrast how the categorization of race as a social
construct versus racial difference as a biological
entity impact theory formulation and practice in
the biological and psychological sciences. Evelynn
Hammonds, Ph.D., formerly Dean of Harvard College,
who holds joint appointments in the Department
of the History of Science and the Department of
African and African American Studies at Harvard,
will integrate the history of sociopolitical concepts
of race, the history of disease, and public health, in
the sciences and medicine, and present “The Return
of Biological Race in the 21st Century?” Dorothy
Roberts, J.D., an acclaimed scholar of race, gender
and the law, in the University Pennsylvania Law
School and Departments of Africana Studies and
Sociology, will review advances in scientific research
that elucidate race-based genetic differences in the
human genome, and propose an alternative model
for studying race and racism in, “Racism, and the
New Racial Science in the Genomic Age.” | | | | | | $30.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-307 | | The Efficacy of Psychoanalytic Therapy Speakers: Lee Jaffee, Ph.D., Presenter: Jonathan Shedler, Ph.D. Dr. Jonathan Shedler will
describe the seven core features of contemporary
psychoanalytic therapy in clear, jargon-free
language. He will then discuss scientific evidence for
its benefits and how it compares to other “evidencebased” treatments like CBT and antidepressant
medication. Finally, Dr. Shedler will discuss how
the active ingredients of all effective therapies draw
on (generally unacknowledged) psychoanalytic
principles such as enhancing self-knowledge,
understanding problematic relationship patterns,
and reworking these patterns in the “here and now”
of the therapy relationship. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-310 
| | Plenary Address: Dr. Carol Gilligan: “Disrupting the Story: Enter Eve” Speakers: Dr. Carol Gilligan The historical
association of a disruptive voice
with a woman’s voice will be
considered and the story of Eve will be revisited in
light of contemporary insights. Educational
methods will involve the presentation of research
evidence and a new framework for understanding
the function of disrupting a story that otherwise can
appear natural or inevitable. | | | | | | $25.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-401 | | DPE Psychoanalytic Scholarship Forum: Should Free Association Still Be the Basic Method of Psychoanalytic Treatment? Implications for Education & Training Speakers: Chair: Erik Gann, M.D. Presenters: Barnaby B. Barratt, Ph.D., D.H.S., Dominque Scarfone, M.D. | | | | | | $30.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-402 | | Empirical Research in Psychoanalytic Theory: Escaping Grünbaum’s Circularity Criticism Speakers: Chair: Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D., Presenter: Ariane Bazan, Ph.D. | | | | | | $25.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-403 | | Psychoanalysis & Neuroscience Symposium: A Case Report & Discussion Speakers: Chair: Richard J. Kessler, D.O., Presenter: Charles P. Fisher, M.D. Discussant: Mark Solms, Ph.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-404 | | The #MeToo Movement & Music Education Speakers: Chair & Presenter: Julie Jaffee Nagel, Ph.D. Presenters: Gary Ingle, D.M.A., Gilbert Kliman, M.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-409 | | 100 Years After “Beyond the Pleasure Principle” – Our Contemporary Traumatizing Surround: Racism, Climate Change & Migration: An Intergenerational Discussion Speakers: Moderators: Donald B. Moss, M.D., Lynne Zeavin, Psy.D. , Presenters: Lindsay L. Clarkson, M.D., Carol Gilligan, Ph.D., Francisco Gonzalez, M.D. , Dorothy E. Holmes, Ph.D., ABPP , Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. Ann Pellegrini, Ph.D., Irma Brenman Pick, Luis H. Ripoll, M.D. In a round-table discussion, eight participants
addressed issues pertaining to the traumatizing
surround common to them and to the audience—
with a focus on climate change, racism, and
migration. This discussion highlighted new ways
of thinking about how to interpret the effects of that
surround on ourselves and our patients. Dr. Robert
Jay Lifton, perhaps the world’s foremost authority
on these issues, was joined by a wide range of
psychoanalytic thinkers—each of whom has thought
deeply about the place of trauma inside and outside
the consulting room. | | | | | | $25.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-411 | | Psychodynamic Treatments for Children & Parents: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial & a Hospital-Based Open Trial Speakers: Chair: Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Ph.D Presenters: Tracy A. Prout, Ph.D., Amanda Zayde, Psy.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-412 | | “The Play’s the Thing”: From Nightmare World to Play Space in a Five-Year-Old Speakers: Chair: James M. Herzog, M.D., Author: Mary Brady, Ph.D. | | | | | | $18.00 
| | | | |  | APSA20-413 | | Current Findings in Neuropsychoanalysis Speakers: Chair: Richard J. Kessler, D.O. Presenter: Margaret R. Zellner, Ph.D., L.P. Modern neuroscience has allowed us to recognize
more complex and dynamic organizing principals
of brain functioning. This development has
encouraged exploration of basic psychoanalytic
principles within neuropsychoanalysis. Understanding the brain networks that process memory, fantasy, emotion and value has offered insights into the essentials of human motivation.
New information challenges our understanding of the therapeutic process and at the same time reveals to us the nature and power of psychoanalysis to promote change. | | | | | | $18.00 
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